Simple application
PLASTONIT systems allow for gradual repairs of roof waterproofing without the need for a complete reconstruction.
The PLASTONIT product line represents filler waterproofing compounds for comprehensive maintenance and waterproofing of flat roofs. PLASTONIC MASTIC is a waterproofing mastic for quick repair of problematic areas, PLASTONIT COMPOSITE SILVER will help with basic roof preparation, and the final layer PLASTONIT SILVER will provide the roof with reflective protection, reduce overheating and extend the overall life of the roof. Combining individual products into a system guarantees that your roof will be protected against leaks, adverse weather conditions and corrosion in the long term.
PLASTONIT Mastic is suitable for all types of roof coverings with high adhesion and permanent elasticity. The sealant is resistant to UV radiation, frost and high temperatures. It is characterized by excellent waterproofing properties and the ability to quickly stop roof leaks.
Go to quantity calculatorPLASTONIT COMPOSITE SILVER is ideal for applications on a substrate. It has exceptional self-leveling waterproofing properties, is highly elastic, colorfast and durable.
Go to quantity calculatorPLASTONIT Silver je reflexní ochranná hydroizolační hmota, která výrazně prodlužuje životnost střechy a snižuje její přehřívání. Díky vysoké přilnavosti, pružnosti a roztažnosti zůstává funkční i za ztížených klimatických podmínek.
Go to quantity calculatorHow and why combine our products? Together they form a perfect system that works and lasts a long time.
quick removal of leaks and other roof sheathing defects
+ glass-lamination mat
+ Plastonit Mastic (asphalt / PVC roofs) or ELASTCOM HS (metal roofs)
immediate solution before repair
all types of roofs
glass-lamination mat + Plastonit Composite Silver + Plastonit Silver
20 years and more
designed mainly for roofs with ASF strips covered with slate sprinkle
Plastonit Composite Silver
+ glass-laminated mat and Plastonit Composite Silver
+ Plastonit Silver, Plastonit Mastic for repairing complex details or leaks in the original insulation
20 years and more
long-term anti-corrosion protection of metal roofs, attic sheets and other metal structures on the roof
Elastcom HS + Plastonit Silver
20 years and more
Are you solving a problem with your roof? We can advise you if you want to repair your metal roof yourself. With our intelligent coating systems, it's a piece of cake. Thanks to the specific properties of our products, you won't have to touch your roof for many years. We have a solution for you.
Our coatings have already covered an area of more than 2,000,000 m2. We have a wide range of steel structures, bridges, street lighting poles, tens of thousands of meters of cables, warehouses and thousands of roofs.